1 Timothy

Chapter 2

1 I exhort3870 therefore,3767 that, first4412 of all,3956 supplications,1162 prayers,4335 intercessions,1783 and giving of thanks,2169 be made4160 for5228 all3956 men;444

2 For5228 kings,935 and2532 for all3956 that are5607 in1722 authority;5247 that2443 we may lead1236 a quiet2263 and2532 peaceable2272 life979 in1722 all3956 godliness2150 and2532 honesty.4587

3 For1063 this5124 is good2570 and2532 acceptable587 in the sight1799 of God2316 our2257 Savior;4990

4 Who3739 will2309 have all3956 men444 to be saved,4982 and2532 to come2064 unto1519 the knowledge1922 of the truth.225

5 For1063 there is one1520 God,2316 and2532 one1520 mediator3316 between God2316 and2532 men,444 the man444 Christ5547 Jesus;2424

6 Who gave1325 himself1438 a ransom487 for5228 all,3956 to be testified3142 in due2398 time.2540

7 Whereunto1519 3739 I1473 am ordained5087 a preacher,2783 and2532 an apostle,652 (I speak3004 the truth225 in1722 Christ,5547 and lie5574 not;)3756 a teacher1320 of the Gentiles1484 in1722 faith4102 and2532 verity.225

8 I will1014 therefore3767 that men435 pray4336 every3956 where,5117 lifting up1869 holy3741 hands,5495 without5565 wrath3709 and2532 doubting.1261

9 In like manner5615 also,2532 that women1135 adorn2885 themselves1438 in1722 modest2887 apparel,2689 with3326 shamefacedness127 and2532 sobriety;4997 not3361 with1722 braided hair,4117 or2228 gold,5557 or2228 pearls,3135 or2228 costly4185 array.2441

10 But235 (which3739 becometh4241 women1135 professing1861 godliness)2317 with1223 good18 works.2041

11 Let the woman1135 learn3129 in1722 silence2271 with1722 all3956 subjection.5292

12 But1161 I suffer2010 not3756 a woman1135 to teach,1321 nor3761 to usurp authority over831 the man,435 but235 to be1511 in1722 silence.2271

13 For1063 Adam76 was first4413 formed,4111 then1534 Eve.2096

14 And2532 Adam76 was not3756 deceived,538 but1161 the3588 woman1135 being deceived538 was1096 in1722 the transgression.3847

15 Notwithstanding1161 she shall be saved4982 in1223 childbearing,5042 if1437 they continue3306 in1722 faith4102 and2532 charity26 and2532 holiness38 with3326 sobriety.4997



1 我勸爾所當首務者、爲衆籲告祈禱、求恩祝謝、

2 亦爲諸王曁上位者求、俾我儕虔敬端莊、綏安無事、以畢一生、

3 此爲美、可見納於我救主上帝前、

4 上帝欲衆知眞理而得救、

5 上帝惟一、有上帝、有世人、其間中保亦惟一、基督耶穌卽其人也、

6 舍己贖衆、斯道及時必傳、

7 我宗基督言眞而不偽、奉命爲使徒、務傳斯道、教異邦人信主眞理、

8 我欲人拱手敬虔、毋怒毋疑、隨在祈禱、

9 亦欲婦女衣素衣、幽嫻貞靜、辮髮金珠文繡、不以爲飾、

10 惟務善行、乃崇拜上帝者所宜、

11 婦當淵默學道服法、

12 不可授教、僭越夫綱、宜務恬靜、

13 蓋受造時、亞當在先、夏娃在後、

14 亞當不見誘、夏娃見誘而陷罪、

15 婦雖產育劬勞、若恒信主、行仁、廉潔、貞靜、則可得救矣。

1 Timothy

Chapter 2



1 I exhort3870 therefore,3767 that, first4412 of all,3956 supplications,1162 prayers,4335 intercessions,1783 and giving of thanks,2169 be made4160 for5228 all3956 men;444

1 我勸爾所當首務者、爲衆籲告祈禱、求恩祝謝、

2 For5228 kings,935 and2532 for all3956 that are5607 in1722 authority;5247 that2443 we may lead1236 a quiet2263 and2532 peaceable2272 life979 in1722 all3956 godliness2150 and2532 honesty.4587

2 亦爲諸王曁上位者求、俾我儕虔敬端莊、綏安無事、以畢一生、

3 For1063 this5124 is good2570 and2532 acceptable587 in the sight1799 of God2316 our2257 Savior;4990

3 此爲美、可見納於我救主上帝前、

4 Who3739 will2309 have all3956 men444 to be saved,4982 and2532 to come2064 unto1519 the knowledge1922 of the truth.225

4 上帝欲衆知眞理而得救、

5 For1063 there is one1520 God,2316 and2532 one1520 mediator3316 between God2316 and2532 men,444 the man444 Christ5547 Jesus;2424

5 上帝惟一、有上帝、有世人、其間中保亦惟一、基督耶穌卽其人也、

6 Who gave1325 himself1438 a ransom487 for5228 all,3956 to be testified3142 in due2398 time.2540

6 舍己贖衆、斯道及時必傳、

7 Whereunto1519 3739 I1473 am ordained5087 a preacher,2783 and2532 an apostle,652 (I speak3004 the truth225 in1722 Christ,5547 and lie5574 not;)3756 a teacher1320 of the Gentiles1484 in1722 faith4102 and2532 verity.225

7 我宗基督言眞而不偽、奉命爲使徒、務傳斯道、教異邦人信主眞理、

8 I will1014 therefore3767 that men435 pray4336 every3956 where,5117 lifting up1869 holy3741 hands,5495 without5565 wrath3709 and2532 doubting.1261

8 我欲人拱手敬虔、毋怒毋疑、隨在祈禱、

9 In like manner5615 also,2532 that women1135 adorn2885 themselves1438 in1722 modest2887 apparel,2689 with3326 shamefacedness127 and2532 sobriety;4997 not3361 with1722 braided hair,4117 or2228 gold,5557 or2228 pearls,3135 or2228 costly4185 array.2441

9 亦欲婦女衣素衣、幽嫻貞靜、辮髮金珠文繡、不以爲飾、

10 But235 (which3739 becometh4241 women1135 professing1861 godliness)2317 with1223 good18 works.2041

10 惟務善行、乃崇拜上帝者所宜、

11 Let the woman1135 learn3129 in1722 silence2271 with1722 all3956 subjection.5292

11 婦當淵默學道服法、

12 But1161 I suffer2010 not3756 a woman1135 to teach,1321 nor3761 to usurp authority over831 the man,435 but235 to be1511 in1722 silence.2271

12 不可授教、僭越夫綱、宜務恬靜、

13 For1063 Adam76 was first4413 formed,4111 then1534 Eve.2096

13 蓋受造時、亞當在先、夏娃在後、

14 And2532 Adam76 was not3756 deceived,538 but1161 the3588 woman1135 being deceived538 was1096 in1722 the transgression.3847

14 亞當不見誘、夏娃見誘而陷罪、

15 Notwithstanding1161 she shall be saved4982 in1223 childbearing,5042 if1437 they continue3306 in1722 faith4102 and2532 charity26 and2532 holiness38 with3326 sobriety.4997

15 婦雖產育劬勞、若恒信主、行仁、廉潔、貞靜、則可得救矣。